How to Do Keyword Research for SEO? A Comprehensive Guide

How to Do Keyword Research for SEO? A Comprehensive Guide


Do you know which words your loyal customers are searching for to learn about the businesses, products, and services you offer? Which phrases will effectively drive commercial intent viewership to your landing pages? Do you wish you could understand keyword research? Do you want to know how to choose the most suitable keywords to outrank the competition? How do you figure out what it is, therefore?

Keyword research raises free-arranged questions since it’s one of the most critical aspects of the SEO process. While it may be the most challenging, it is also the easiest. Keyword research serves as the foundation for your pay-per-click and organic search advertising initiatives and plays a significant role in the overall success of your marketing operations.

You can only optimize your articles, sales pages, social media content, and other marketing tools if you know your customers’ terms. Trends in search and patterns of user behavior are very dynamic and constantly changing. It can be equally difficult to identify user intent from such keyword phrases. Thus, what do you do to build the necessary process for proper keyword research? We are aware of this suffering inside. This is why we’ve compiled a step-by-step guide for our SEO community! In this guide, you will learn keyword research and its importance for digital marketing strategy.

What Are Keywords?

Search engines like Google allow users to find content using keywords, words and phrases. Another name for them may be “SEO keywords.” Your brand’s search engine optimization plan, which aims to rank higher in search results and draw more traffic to your website, is built around keywords.

Search engines can connect people with relevant information more easily when your pages have the appropriate keywords. This tells search engines more about the content on your site, generating more relevant traffic and, ideally, conversions.

What Is Keyword Research?


Making words, phrases, and queries that people frequently hit on the search button is a search volume. Many people find this what I call keyword research. In addition to helping users find the webpage they need that suits their intents (search intent) well, research connects the question words with every store page and the extent to which these keywords fit these pages.

Indeed, keyword analysis involves classifying search queries by various categories—transactional, navigational, and informational searches—and the several phases of the user journey, among others.

Why Is Keyword Research Important?

Your website’s keywords aim to tell what you offer: products and services. On the contrary, search engines utilizing keyword volume and quality are in place to ensure the top ranking of the pages where you hold a website on the search engine results page (SERP). The higher you stand, the more away you go and the more traffic you enjoy. 

By conducting keyword research, you may choose the best in-demand and niche keywords, anticipating customer needs and meeting them before they even know they exist. You can outrank your competitors by using high-quality keywords in your blog posts, articles, and product descriptions to attract more website traffic. Even bought traffic or advertisements cannot match the quality of this organic traffic from the SERP, which can continue producing leads for years after publication.

Facts of Keyword Research:


According to statistics, if you rank at the top of the search results, you can earn an incredible 32.5% of all clicks. Thus, we can deduce from this figure that the top-ranked yoga instructor will receive about one-third of all traffic. That is more than three times the result for third place (11.4%) and nearly double what the second-place result (17.6%) receives! For around 1,000 other similar keywords, the page that ranks highest for a specific term also appears in the top 10.

Currently, 60% of marketers who conduct keyword research say that their primary source of leads comes from keyword-rich blog material. This is an excellent statistic that illustrates the tangible benefits that thorough keyword research has for companies. In 53 percent of cases, a customer’s Google search journey starts with a keyword entry.

Returning to our example, we estimate that approximately 50% of leads for yoga instructors originate from search engine queries. This is quite a bit! If you still need to utilize an effective keyword research technique, here’s your chance to boost your lead generation. 15% of keywords, according to statistics, have never been searched.

Basics of Keyword Research:

You should understand a few basics of keyword research before you start your trip to optimize your content. Before anything else, it is imperative to comprehend the distinctions between target and long-tail keywords and ordinary keywords.


When determining which pages to display in search results, Google looks at additional pages that users visit related to that query. When a user types in a query like [Digital Marketing Agency], Google must determine if they want to start, learn how to begin or understand what a Digital Marketing Agency is.

You should include examining a query’s search results page in your research process for any keyword you wish to consider. User intent and keyword relevancy are very similar. It’s essential to understand what the user intends to look for. This must be clarified for head keywords, but less for long-tail queries.

Monthly Search Volume:

The most common catch point by which the usefulness of a keyword is measured is through the Monthly Search Volume (MSV). If a potential buyer is using that keyword for their search, it is an excellent place to start to estimate worth, but it should never be the only factor used for it. It doesn’t just internet searches that will lead to keyword results with a high MSV consistently ranking as the best keyword to go for.

‘”Browsing” traffic is generally one of the first steps of the funnel, tapping into high-volume keywords. While they may be close to sales figures, they are still valuable for increasing brand awareness. As potential buyers looking for a product/service are likely to purchase, low-volume keywords may become more essential as they are highly targeted.

User Intent:

User intention can be understood as the goal the user pursues by searching for particular terms in the search bar. The equipment of search intent will be beyond helpful in your keyword research efforts. The plan will provide you with the roadmap and the timeline for saving money.

It is noteworthy that we mentioned this concept in our earlier discussion above. While it is not the most prominent activity in keyword research, it is at the top of the importance ladder and deserves more attention than it usually gets. Realizing that the searcher intends to find an answer to the problem is essential. Therefore, you must ensure that your content addresses that question in complete paragraphs.

Let’s say we choose to show the life of a young aspiring musician chasing her dreams in a new city. For example, if users type “dance classes”, our system recommends local dance studios or YouTube choreography videos. In this case, the pattern easily distinguishes those among us whose business would probably assume they are looking for some dance instructions, either online or in person. 

Types Of Search Query:

There are various “intent” categories for search queries:

  1. 1. Informational: users are those at the top of the funnel seeking information or a response to a query.
  2. 2. Navigation: people looking for a particular company, website, or page (brand searches).
  3. 3. Commercial: middle-of-the-funnel users investigating companies, goods, or services.
  4. 4. Transactional: users are at the bottom of the funnel, prepared to finish an activity or purchase.

A thorough understanding of these will help you use keywords even more efficiently.

How to Do Keyword Research?


Understanding your client’s requirements and goals and researching competitors’ terms are essential for effective keyword research. By learning more about your competitors and target audience, you may find many valuable keyword changes that greatly enhance your SEO strategy.

Let’s get started by going through each phase and learning the secrets of efficient keyword research:

Make A List of Your Topic:

In the first step, you start with a spreadsheet where you put general categories of texts or “buckets” for which you wish your site to rank. These could probably be product categories and interesting areas for your target audience. If you already blog occasionally (i.e., here and there), you most likely have some recurring topics you write about.

Limit the list to 5 to 10 topics only. But keep them as modest in number as possible. On the other hand, one can feel like a buyer looking for something while considering what he/she wants. General categories for a website that sells natural and environmentally friendly products might include:

  1. 1. Healthy environment
  2. 2. Natural Health
  3. 3. Nontoxic home cleaning
  4. 4. Natural beauty
  5. 5. Healthy cooking
  6. 6. Natural pet health

Expand Each Topic According to Your Target Audience:

To produce helpful content for the target audience, you must grasp your clients’ complexities and problems. By observing customer feedback, customer service support, survey results, and social media, you can understand what most matters to them and even differentiate what they say from what they mean.

It also contributes to the overall consistency of all the above strategies, like content and keyword research. Solving these issues will give your information more worth and credibility and earn your target audience’s trust.

Identifying Competitor Keywords:

The correct use of keyword research in SEO is like a mapping that can provide the start-always already finished with the campaign or plan. Utilizing tools like the Site Explorer on Ahrefs would also help businesses gain a competitive edge over rival websites by indicating the search terms that bring the most visitors.

The business that uses this information will have the upper hand in search engine results compared to those who do not have the information and are not using it.

Analyzing and Selecting Keywords:

When you have a shortlist of relevant words, it is critical to conduct a thorough analysis and choose the best ones for the SEO strategy you will implement. In this process, you should focus on search volume, assess keyword difficulty, look at user intent, and give the order to find the keywords that will get the highest success rate in the least amount of time. Consequently, you will fill the space with content aligned with customers’ needs or wants.

Considering Search Volume:

Search volume will help you to understand if the keywords are doing a good job of attracting consumer attention. Try to find the most targeted but less popular keywords with mid-volume and long-tail search in the first strategy, then start to update it upon go, and eventually reach the longer and tight searches with high popularity. Chasing the keywords with super high volumes (e.g., ‘iPhone’) by itself is not the best thing to focus on as they are usually too ambiguous and are one of the least likely kinds with specific intent.

Moreover, the expected amount of work to attain the rank may be too strong a barrier since you must already have a large, firmly established audience with apparent authority. A tool that shows a keyword with zero search volume doesn’t necessarily mean that this word should be rejected; other factors should be considered when analyzing a keyword.

Assessing Keyword Difficulty:

Keyword difficulty is absolutely one of the most important and efficient keyword metrics to use when conducting studies. If the best keyword is so competitive that nobody will pay to rank at the top of the search results, then you must find creative ways to get your website ranked high. One of the easiest ways to measure keyword difficulty is by using research tools that assign each keyword a score.

The other way around this is to use Google Keyword Planner and check the CPC and difficulty level. The greater the CPC bid, the greater the competition closer to the top. If it’s at the beginning, go to the less competitive keywords that can be conquered and then work up to more competitive terms.

Find Related Search Terms:

You may expand your keyword lists in a lot of exciting ways:

  1. 1. After performing a Google search, you will find a list of similar search terms in bold at the bottom of the page.
  2. 2. If you want to explore the topic further, select one of the related searches and look through the list at the bottom of the second page from Google.
  3. 3. AnswerThePublic offers three complimentary searches every day. It provides a chart with terms people use to search for your topic.
  4. 4. You can also enter your keyword phrase into Google’s Keyword Planner to find out what additional relevant terms people use.

Determine The Strength of Your Keyword:

This step can be completed most easily with Keyword Planner or a paid SEO or keyword research tool. Among the most well-known are Ubersuggest, Ahrefs, Wordtracker, and Semrush. You can begin using the free versions of Wordtracker and Ubersuggest.

When you study your keywords, you should search for the following:

  1. 1. What precise search query is it? Make sure the exact search term people use matches your keyword phrase.
  2. 2. What is the volume of searches? Building a strategy around a keyword phrase is useless if no one utilizes it. Seek out the most significant search volume that is accessible.
  3. 3. To what extent is the competition steep? The paid tools distinguish between organic search and sponsored ad competition. You desire lower organic search competitiveness and more search volume. That is the ideal location.
  4. 4. Look for similar terms with minimal competition in organic search and a high search volume that you need to catch up on.


To identify trends and blind spots, comprehend user intent, and determine the best terms to center your content around, do keyword research. But remember that keyword research is just the base of any search engine optimization approach. Make sure that each blog post, article, and product description is more insightful, readable, and comprehensive than your rivals if you want to stand out genuinely. Make your website mobile-friendly and easy to navigate by paying close attention to each piece of content’s on-page SEO and layout.

Remember that organic SEO is also a lengthy process. Most businesses rise through the SERPs gradually, even though you might rank quickly for some terms or phrases. With our digital marketing agency, you can improve your SEO approach and expand your audience reach. Try our marketing agency MediaEclips, to immediately forge closer ties with your online audience.


It should take 10–14 days to thoroughly research SEO keywords for the best plan to ensure maximum traffic. This study must consider industry jargon, trends, and rival tactics to achieve successful keyword targeting. You can then create a comprehensive keyword plan that promises to produce effective search results tailored to your website.

To preserve keyword ranks, you should constantly be aware of algorithm modifications and seek methods to update and enhance your current material. Regardless of the quality of your material, it must be maintained to adapt to the ever-changing search engine results page landscape. Finding fresh opportunities or popular keywords can raise the ranking of your article.

Reaching the status of a professional SEO requires conducting productive keyword research. Start by coming up with additional original keyword ideas. Next, select relevant keyphrase resources and create your keyword cluster. Plot your plan and establish reference points after that.

You don’t need to purchase anything or sign up for a membership to carry out excellent keyword research. You can identify the ideal keywords to improve your content by using any of the numerous online free tools. Some free tools that are easily accessible to assist you in gathering essential data for marketing and SEO are Google Trends, Keyword Surfer, Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool, and Moz’s Keyword Explorer.

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